Organize Your Home In Two Minutes with these simple tips. Make the clutter more manageable and your home happier and healthier!
Make sure to check out How to Organize Your Kitchen and How to Organize Your Pantry!

Organizing your home can sometimes seem a little overwhelming.
Well, maybe a lot, depending on the day!
Not everyone is uber-organized, so breaking down projects into two-minute tasks every day helps make clearing clutter more manageable and easily attainable for us busy moms. So let's Organize Your Home one job at a time...
If you need to get ready for overnight guests quickly, we've got you covered there, too!
Two-Minute Organization Task #1
Make your bed every morning.
This probably takes less than 2 minutes! It's obvious, but making your bed really does start your day off right, instantly making your bedroom look neat and orderly. It also helps perpetuate other good habits throughout your day.
There are also a few studies that have linked making your bed to increased happiness! Bonus!
Two-Minute Organization Task #2
Tackle cluttered desks and kitchen drawers one at a time.
Take two minutes each morning to sort through one. Just one. Take everything out. If you find something that doesn't belong there, put it in its proper place and throw out unwanted, broken, or expired items.
Two-Minute Organization Task #3
Organize and clean your fridge and pantry shelves one at a time.
If you're already pulling out the milk for the kid's morning bowl of cereal, take two minutes to pull everything else off the shelf, quickly wipe it down, and only put back things in that will truly be eaten.
Do this task every week when you bring the groceries home. The fridge is a lot less full, so the job is super quick.
Check out this post if you want to Organize Your Whole Kitchen Efficiently.

Two-Minute Organization Task #4
Clean out your closet of unwanted things.
Follow the golden rule of closet organization. If you haven't worn it in a year, you probably won't wear it again.
Doing this at the change of every season keeps your closet from becoming a bulging mess.
Keep a bag in my closet for things that need to be donated. When it's full, put it in the car, and it's off to Goodwill.
Here's how to Keep Your Closet Fresh and Clean.
Two-Minute Organization Task #5
Sort your mail.
Do this when you bring it in from the mailbox.
Have three main categories - FILE, TO DO/PAY, or TRASH.
This makes it much easier when it comes time to sit down and actually tackle the sorted piles. Take time every week to go through your respective baskets and then file or pay the bills.
You can read this helpful guide for more on Office Organization, including what you should keep and for how long.
Simple Home Organizing Solutions
Sometimes Home Organization requires storage solutions and creative ways to organize the rest of your life. We've compiled the best Home Organizing Solutions that don't break the bank but significantly impact conquering clutter and saving time.
How To Keep Your House Clean and Organized Bonus Tip!
Stash those easy-to-lose receipts. This quick trick is great for keeping receipts, tickets, and other important documents.
Just attach envelopes with glue or double-sided tape to the inside of your planner, notebook, or datebook to help keep must-have papers on hand.
The cumulative effect these little two minutes tasks have on transforming your overall household and cutting the clutter is really unique. They bring simplicity and organization to your life.
Simple tips like these create a happier, healthier home, so start your task list today!
Julie Briones says
Great tips and tasks for keeping organized in 2 minutes! Visiting from Home and Garden Thursday! Would love to have you link up at the newest link party... Homestyle Gathering! 😉
Richella J Parham says
These are great tips for getting started with organizing! So often we think of things like organizing our homes as such huge jobs that we're paralyzed at the very idea. I like the way you present these little two-minute tasks to get someone started down the right road.
Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I'm featuring you this week!
Erin says
Thanks so much! Appreciate it, Richella!
Kippi says
Great idea organizing in small chunks of time. I will start this in the morning. Have a great week, Kippi #kippiathome
Angela Johnson says
Erin, I loved everyone of these tips. It really is amazing how just making your bed can make your room and house feel more put together. I am so glad I came across your site and subscribed. I can not wait to hear more.
Erin says
Thanks! Angela! Making your bed is a big one to get started with good organizing habits! Thanks for stopping by!
[email protected] says
These are great ideas to chip away at the clutter a little bit every day. I especially like your idea to glue an envelope for receipts into the back of your planner. I totally agree that making my bed everyday instantly makes my bedroom look SO much more organized, and it literally takes 1 minute.
Sinea says
Erin, I love the tip on cleaning the refrigerator one shelf at a time. I am totally going to do it!
Susan/WhatsUpSusan says
Wow what a great idea doing in 2 minute chunks so it is not overwhelming. I love it. Saved it to my pinterest!
Erin says
I agree, doing cleaning and organizing in small chunks makes it so manageable. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the pin!
Clutter Control LLC says
This might be drastically outside the box, but with your 3 examples of organizing your home in two minutes or less shows the ability to step into a 3rd person observer vs the owner of all these cluttered items. I believe that being able to separate yourself and objectively look at what's in front of you and creating a strategy to handle it is crucial to having an organized home on a regular basis.
Erin says
I think you're right. Being about to look at your clutter or cluttered areas objectively helps you work towards a more organized home. You don't get overwhelmed.
Amy says
These are things I could actually do! Thanks for sharing at Best of the Weekend -- you're being featured!
Nikki Frank-Hamilton says
Now that the kids are older we are finding it much easier to keep the main house picked up and clutter free, just don't look at their rooms before they pick up! LOL My biggest issues are the shop and all it's paraphernalia strewn all over during massive busy times, the mail and my receipts.
I really need to have a more convenient place to store receipts for the business until I get them up to my office area. I have a purse full of paper and I truly need to go through it. Great idea for the envelope in the planner! Thanks.
Erin says
I can't wait for those days, Nikki! I found Cheerios on the floor this morning and I know they were mine 🙂 Having a place for everything is always a good idea. Corral those receipts!
Leanna says
Doing these things as you go along helps so much. With my family I always say pick up ten things, you would think its a marathon from the complaining, but if you do it in little bits it really take No time. Love this post. Pinning.
Erin says
Thanks, Leanna. I agree, doing things in little bits make the task not seem so daunting. Thank you for the pin! Appreciate it!
Kellie says
Make my bed and clean the counter and desk area. yes, if I did that everyday my house would look wonderful. those are my hard spots.
Heidi says
Thanks for the tips--great ideas! I've been cleaning out but am going to go back and do task #4 again. Happy new year!
Celeste | The Whole Serving says
These are some good tips for keeping everything organized. I just moved and I got rid of a lot of things that were just adding clutter. I'm going to put these tips to use to help keep things organized.
Erin says
Congrats on the move, Celeste! Clutter can really weigh you down, so good job getting rid of things. I find doing things a little at a time make it less daunting and more manageable. Now that you're decluttered, hopefully you'll be able to keep up with it.