Say goodbye to boredom with this epic list of 50 things to do while waiting at school pick-up! From productive tasks to fun-filled activities, we've got you covered.

Feel like you waste a lot of time while waiting for your kids? Check out this list of 50 Things To Do While Waiting to Pick Up Kids. Feel Productive!
Do you often find yourself with idle time while waiting to pick the kids up from school or activities? Here's a list of 50 things you could do while waiting for your children so that you can be productive too!
Some require a little planning, but others could be done right on your smartphone.
1. Take your computer - work
2. Read a good book
3. Skim through a magazine
4. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea
5. Clean out your email or texts
6. Paint or file nails
7. Self-care: meditate, deep breathing exercises, or stretching
8. Clean the car
9. Chat with a friend
10. Order dinner for the family
11. Plan your week
12. Do some sitting exercises (your bum will thank you 🙂
13. Make appointments
14. Do online banking
15. Crossword puzzles or mobile games
16. Learn a new language with an app
17. Donate to your favorite cause
18. Read The Skimm
19. Check traffic
20. Write thank-you notes
21. Make your shopping list
22. Shop online
23. Order your groceries
24. Plan your vacation
25. Check your child's grades
26. Get out and walk
27. Daydream
28. Pin on Pinterest
29. Plan your outfit for the next day
30. Balance your checkbook
31. Nap
32. Send your hubby a love note
33. Make your Christmas list
34. Hydrate
35. Listen to an audiobook
36. Check social media
37. Enjoy a healthy snack
38. Stretch
39. Sew or needlepoint
40. Listen to music
41. Write in your journal
42. Search Spotify or Amazon Music
43. Research your next book to read
44. Respond to invites and Evites
45. YouTube
46. Draw
47. Read the news
48. Plan playdates
49. Set goals for yourself and your family
50. Sing - even if somebody's watching 🙂
Getting more time in your day is never easy, so besides being as productive as possible while you wait, another thing to do is have the Kids Make Their Own Lunches.
If you want to be more productive around the house, read my tips for how to get more time in your day!
11 Simple Organizational Tips for Busy Families
11 Simple Time-Saving Tips for Busy Families
What do you like to do while you wait for your kids?
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