Finding Solutions for Home Office Organization can be a challenge. These organizing ideas will help crush your clutter and make it easy to store and find important documents, files, and supplies.

Simple Solutions for Office Organization
We’ve all been there. What to put where or how to manage the clutter that seems to take over our office space. We struggle to find Solutions for Home Office Organization that work. Important documents get misplaced, papers are shoved in every corner, and a desktop that can't be found.
Well, look no further.
These ideas help with everything from storage to labeling to everything in between, including how to organize your finances. yay!
Did you know being organized can save you time and money?
Let's get organized!
Home Binder
The best way to organize the important information your family uses regularly is a home binder. We know it's not digital, but this method works and can be used by everyone in the house.
It is easy to put together and saves oodles of time when looking up critical numbers and info!
Decide what home binders would be beneficial around your home. Then set one up. Creating a binder isn’t hard. All you need is a 3-ring binder, sheet protectors, a labeler, and paper. Done!
Plan on keeping it in an area you’ll see it and refer to it when needed - like your home office.
Home Binder
1-inch D-Ring Binder - White
Start with a least a 1-inch 3-ring binder to hold all your important information.
Plastic Sheet Protectors
Next, you'll need a few plastic page protectors for printed information.
3 Ring Binder Dividers with 8 Tabs
You will also need binder dividers to organize the information in the binder.
What Information to Put in Your Home Binder
Here are some suggestions for what to include in your family binder. Obviously, customize your binder to what works and what is needed for your family.
1. Family + Friend Info
- Personal Information, including clothes, shoe sizes, medicines, medical history
- Pet info
- Goals & family plans
- Info for the babysitter
- Numbers you regularly call (address book)
- Kid's friends
- Emergency contact list
2. Cleaning + Organizing
- Cleaning Schedule (including monthly, seasonal, and annual tasks)
- Chores checklists (daily, weekly, seasonally, etc…)
- Laundry schedule
- Quick clean checklist
- Checklist for others / for the house cleaner
3. Food
- Meal planners, including family favorites.
- Shopping List(s)
- Master meals list (what everyone loves)
- Allergies and food preference information
- Entertaining ideas + recipes you want to try
- Fridge / Freezer / Pantry List
4. Home
- Maintenance calendar
- Home "to-do" list
- Home items "to buy" list
- Home decorating information by room (plans, paint, wallpaper, carpet, etc…. and where and when it was purchased)
- Home inventory list (in case of theft)
- List of recommended or previously used vendors (windows, lawn, etc.)
- Internet passwords, etc.
- What to do in an emergency
5. Family Finances
- Household Budget Information
- Debt tracker
- Savings tracker
- Spending tracker
- Bill tracker
Why Buy a Labeler
Choose a label maker that’s simple to use. Take the time to label your shelves, bins, baskets, drawers, and files. Not only will it remind you where things go and encourage you to put things away, but it will also help other members of your household who may need to find, use, or put away anything in your workspace.
General Office Organization
You can organize everything from your finances to your files with these helpful tools and resources!
General Office Organization
These items will help keep your whole house organized.
Deep 2-Drawer File Cabinet, Black
A file cabinet keeps your paperwork like medical or car information neatly organized.
Easy-to-Use Label Maker
You'll be surprised how much you use this device after your purchase it!
Wall Shelves
This helps clear and declutter tabletops and counters with things like pictures and mementos.
Power Strip
A good powerstrip is something you need to make sure you have enough power for your electronic devices.
Magazine File Holder Organizer Box
A magazine holder helps organize books, magazines, and other paperwork.
Amazon Echo
This countertop device can help organize your shopping list, turn your lights on and off, and make cooking simple and efficient.
Paperwork: What to Keep and For How Long
While you're getting your office organized, you may need to figure out what paperwork actually needs to be kept and for how long. Do you need to keep all those tax returns from years ago? Here's a handy resource that walks you through the different types of paperwork you have and how long it needs to be kept in your files.
Life Planner
One of the best ways to Organize Your Whole Life is a planner. We know it sounds simple, but it works.
It keeps track of important dates and appointments – your kids’ schedules and more. We can’t say enough about trying to organize the day-to-day of a household without one.
And don’t forget the cute accessories! Your planner isn’t complete without them, plus it makes using one more enjoyable!
Life Planner
One of the best ways to Organize Your Whole Life is a planner.
Washi Tape
Washi tape is perfect for all your organizing and creative endeavors.
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Victoria @DazzleWhileFrazzled says
Great tips! Especially as we look forward to another school year, it's always helpful to get re-organized. Visiting from Welcome Home Wednesday party.
Erin says
Yes, I agree! Getting organized for back-to-school helps the rest of the year go much more smoothly! Thanks for visiting! xo