Learn the Secrets to Amazing Sleep! This list has the help you need to fall asleep more easily and wake rested and refreshed! #7 is a game-changer!
You may want to try doing a social media detox and drinking enough water on your wellness journey.

The Secrets to Amazing Sleep
Life is tiring. We get it.
We're running from one thing to the next, and by the end of the day, we're exhausted. We need the energy to wrangle kids and be the CEO of our households! However, we're true believers in a good night's rest to be ready to take on the next day.
Try these Secrets to Amazing Sleep and see if you have more energy.
Studies show that poor sleep has immediate adverse effects on your hormones, exercise performance, and brain function. Yikes!
Want to feel and look better? Sleep is one of the most important things moms can do for their overall health. So first and foremost, make sleep a priority.
No "trying to make it up on weekends" or staying up late watching your favorite show. Netflix can wait!
Here are the secrets you need to know to sleep better.
1. Make Sure You're Healthy
Is there an underlying reason why you're not sleeping well?
Maybe. It's always good to get these things checked out by your doctor, and then you know that it's well within your power to create a restful night of sleep, so start here.
2. Create A Peaceful Routine
We're creatures of habit. We like routine. This calms the body and gets it ready for better sleep.
Whether it's a nightly routine where you brush your teeth and then read or tuck the kids in and then relax in the bath, a routine signals it's time to go to sleep, so think about what makes sense for you and your family.
Make sure it's something you can do most nights.
3. No Spicy Or Heavy Food
We know it's tasty, but spicy or heavy food can keep you up at night. It makes for a restless night, so stay away from the jalapeno peppers for dinner!
4. Skip Your Afternoon Caffeine Fix
Have your coffee in the morning, but skip that afternoon cup.
Also, check the labels on your favorite midday drinks. Any that claim to give you a 'boost' in energy likely contains a stimulant. The effects of caffeine can last for 8-14 hours, making it hard to fall asleep at night.
Give it a try and see if it helps.

5. Sleep In A Dark Room
Did you know even the soft blue glow from a cell phone, tablet, or digital clock on your nightstand next to your bed may hurt your sleep?
Also, make sure you get some sunlight during the day.
6. A Warm Bath
A bath can be an excellent way to relax and unwind from a stressful day. Especially if you include some Epsom salt and a relaxing essential oil like lavender.
You can make your own essential oil bath bomb.
Just be aware that taking a hot bath right before bed may make it harder to fall asleep as your body adjusts to the optimal temperature for sleep. Try to soak in the tub an hour or so before you plan on turning in for the night.
7. Unplug
This tip can't be stressed enough! Unplug from all your devices about an hour before you want to go to bed.
The light from the screen can make it harder for you to wind down and relax, plus it's hard for your mind to relax if you're still taking in the information you need to process.
You may also want to try taking a break from social media.
8. Try Aromatherapy
The scent of lavender essential oil has noted benefits for sleep. It can reduce anxiety and emotional stress, helping you fall asleep better. Studies suggest that just a sniff can also lead to deeper sleep.
9. Eat Foods That Help You Sleep
It may sound crazy, but eat a few carbs at night. If possible, good carbs. Brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potatoes can help you sleep well and not wake up during the night.
Here's how to stock your pantry with healthy foods.
10. Exercise
Get moving!
The best news is that it doesn't take much. Adding even just a few minutes of physical activity to your day can make a difference in your rest at night. Plus, you'll look better too!
A brisk walk every day will help you slim down and sleep better.

More Tips to Sleep Well at Night
- Change your pillows every 12 - 18 months. Dust mites love your pillows as much as you do.
- Sleep with a silk pillowcase. This helps prevent those dreaded wrinkles 🙂
- With Allergies - change your sheets regularly and pillowcases every night if you have severe allergies.
- Keep a consistent sleep/wake schedule, even on weekends.
- Avoid long naps during the day.
- Supplements, including lavender and magnesium, can help with relaxation and sleep quality.
- Other foods to help you sleep better - combos of healthy carbs and protein, such as milk and graham crackers or yogurt sprinkled with cereal, can also help you sleep better.
With these simple secrets to amazing sleep, you can say goodbye to restless nights and wake up feeling energized and ready to take on the day!
This post was originally published on February 7, 2017. We updated it with enhanced information on January 22, 2021.
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Sam E says
Thanks for these tips Erin! I would add just one more thing - don't try to save money on your mattress (buy the best you can afford). I think it's not an unimportant thing for a good sleep. -Sam
Erin says
That's true! A good mattress makes a big difference! It's a great investment.
Nikki Frank-Hamilton says
Erin, I try to take a warm bath each night before bed, then I watch TV for an hour or so. I know that it takes me longer to fall asleep, but this is the only time I have when everyone else is asleep and I get to watch what I want! LOL There are nights when I still have problems falling asleep though, I'm going to try some lavender oil on our sheets, that sounds lovely.
Erin says
A bath before bed, especially in winter is the best! I hear ya. Watching what your want without sharing the remote is priceless! Try to lavender oil on your sheets and see if it helps.
Amanda @ The Kolb Corner says
Great tips! I do find that when I don't look at my phone or tablet before bed I can fall asleep quicker. Thank you for sharing at Merry Monday!
Erin says
Thanks, Amanda! Those electronics can certainly be a culprit! Sometimes it just feels nice to disconnect 🙂
Linda at Mixed Kreations says
Great tips Erin! I have a hard time sleeping most nights, my mind won't shut down. Things just keep spinning in my head. I will definitely have to give #7 a try. I don't have caffeine every day, and I have learned that I can't have it in the afternoon at all, or I can't sleep. It's funny the hubby can have a cup of coffee then go lay down and go right to sleep. I might just try the graham crackers and milk too, Yum!
Erin says
My hubby is the same way. He can drink coffee and then fall right asleep, it's crazy! I've learned the electronics need to go away before bed other wise my mind keeps thinking about things and it's hard to relax!