Easy Decorated Christmas Sugar Cookies (3 fun ways)
Oh, what fun Decorated Christmas Sugar Cookies are! See how easy it is to show your holiday spirit with these 3 cookie designs that can be whipped up in no time at all!
Frost your sugar cookie with your chocolate frosting.
Place a Nutter Butter Cookie a third of the way down the cookie to make the reindeer face.
Take a pretzel twist and place it on one side of the cookie. Then, duplicate on the other side.
Use a little frosting and attach two mini chocolate chips on the cookie for eyes. Finally, attach a red M&M or other red candy with frosting at the end of the cookie for a nose.
How-To Make Wreath Sugar Cookies
In a small to a medium-size bowl, mix your shredded coconut with green food coloring until desired color.
Frost your sugar cookie with white frosting.
Place green shredded coconut around the outer edge of the cookie in a circle.
Use additional frosting if necessary, and attached red candies atop the coconut.
How-To Make Snowman Sugar Cookies
Cut mini and regular-sized Oreos in half. Attach two mini Oreo halves together and then place them on top of the regular-size Oreo with frosting to form a top hat.
Frost your sugar cookie with white frosting.
Place your previously constructed Oreo top hat on the top edge of the cookie in a place it will stay on securely.
Place two mini chocolate chips on the face for eyes. Take about 5 more chocolate chips and make a mouth. Then, finish with a red candy for a nose.
Don’t worry if you break a few Oreo Cookies while cutting them in half for the snowmen. They just become snacks or the base for Mini Oreo Cheesecakes ;)
Store-bought sugar cookies work great in the recipe. However, if you’re feeling ambitious, we like this recipe for homemade sugar cookies.
Nutritional information is approximate and was calculated using a recipe nutrition label generator.